Coping with –Isms during Covid-19
During the Covid-19 pandemic, U.S. society has encountered many challenges... some from the way the virus has disproportionately affected certain populations; and some from issues apart from the virus itself.…
During the Covid-19 pandemic, U.S. society has encountered many challenges... some from the way the virus has disproportionately affected certain populations; and some from issues apart from the virus itself.…
The list of worries for families during this pandemic can feel overwhelming and preoccupy our thoughts. Do you know if these worries are impacting your kids? I would like to…
Meditation Class Offering on October 24th, 2020 Any peaceful step – even calming your own feelings and emotions – contributes to peace in the world.  ~ Thich Nhat Hanh You…
She looked away as I asked her to tell me more. Her arms clutched the pillow, and I waited. But she was silent, isolating herself in her shame and refusing…
But What if… Exploring the Role of Anxiety in Your Life Our culture is obsessed with safety. There are alarm systems on our houses, locks on our cars, and layers…
Pregnancy is often a time of hopes, dreams, and anticipation. We set our hearts on what we view as ideals for motherhood. I remember during my first pregnancy imagining what…
In my previous blog Fears For Today, Worries For Tomorrow: Understanding Anxiety, I mentioned a natural tendency to avoid the discomfort of anxiety and the related consequences. In fact, avoidance…
Each one of us has experienced anxious feelings such as fear and worry at one point or another. You may wonder how I can be so sure. The reason is…