Adolescence is tumultuous. Responsibilities and freedoms come quickly, while emotions can swing from highs to lows.
Friends may come and go, and parents’ opinions may not seem as influential anymore. The mental health issues that teenagers face during this tumultuous time can be incredibly difficult, and can result in consequences that follow them into adulthood. Cherry Hill counselors are ready to support you and your teen. Below is a guide to help you find the support you’re looking for.
Identity and self image
Adolescents are often searching for answers. Who am I? Do I matter? Am I accepted? Where do I fit in this world? They may be experimenting with different social groups, exploring religion and politics, and questioning their racial identify and gender. Cherry Hill therapists in this specialty can support your teens journey to know themselves, and discover their Identity and Self Image.
Adolescent behavior
Experimentation, defiance, and talk-back are common issues for adolescents and their parents. Unsure how to advocate for themselves, teenagers can often resort to acting-out. Therapists at Cherry Hill can help your teenager understand the issues beneath their behaviors, while also helping parents feel well equipped to support their teenager in the process. Find out more about how we treat Adolescent Behavior here.
Family therapy and parenting
Adolescent problems do not occur in a vacuum. Instead, a teenager’s problems develop within a context––a family, a school, and a community. Empowering teenagers and their parents through family therapy can help unravel these many complex factors that sustain a problem over time. And family life can dramatically improve as a result! Find out more about how Cherry Hill therapists support Family Therapy and Parenting.
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