Psychotherapy from the time of Dr. Sigmund Freud has always been associated with adults.
Although most people now know there are psychotherapies for all ages and life situations, still the most common is individual adult counseling. Though we think of children, the elderly and special needs individuals as more vulnerable, adults face the lion share of life stressors and responsibilities. Counseling for adults is still a vital service mental health providers offer to help our communities.
Life Adjustment Issues
Most people have a plan and a dream of what their life will be like. They invest a great deal of time and effort to make that happen. When circumstances, personal failures and mistakes or rejection by others disrupt these dreams, depression and problems in coping often result. Counseling helps individuals work through difficult decisions around how to cope, how to change and fix situations and expectations, and how to continue to accept their lives during Life transitions.
Identity Issues
Every adult reaches points in their life where they re-evaluate if the life they are living is making them happy, or is who they really are. So often early life programming and personal goals simply are not working from the perspective of NOW. So, even if things are going well in life, many adults are not happy, or feeling fulfilled, or identifying with the values and life they are living. Counseling helps individuals have privacy, empathy and problem solving exploration of Identity/self-esteem/body image.
Trauma and “Unfinished business” Issues
Psychotherapy is a journey of talking over and working through the hurts of childhood, family and school wounds, accidents, trauma recovery, and abuse issues. Included are the many substance-use disorders, behavioral addictions, self defeating habits, depression, anxiety, and even personality disorders that can steal the joy and gift of living. Counseling can make a huge difference in healing old wounds and getting the monkey off one’s own back, so that optimism, hope, joy and love can return in fuller measure.
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