Spanish Speaking Therapist in Deer Park

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Spanish Speaking Therapist in Deer Park

Looking for a Spanish Speaking Therapist in or near Deer Park, Illinois?

Are you looking for a Spanish speaking therapist in Deer Park? If so, then you’re in luck. Cherry Hill Counseling provides a safe space that is dedicated to giving yourself and your family the care, support, and guidance you need. Plus, we’ve made it our mission to ensure that you find the help you’re looking for. That’s why our staff has a broad spectrum of experiences and qualifications. In other words, you need to look no further to find a Spanish speaking therapist in Deer Park!

What services do you offer?

At Cherry Hill Counseling, we offer:

  • Individual therapy for adults
    Are you struggling to find relief from anxiety? Do you often feel overwhelmed? Are you exhausted from trying to make things better? You don’t have to walk through life alone. Our therapists will help you overcome your challenges and teach you skills to live without unwanted distress.
  • Family therapy
    We can help open the lines of communication between family members, even if if your family is currently in conflict.
  • Therapy for children and adolescents
    We offer therapy specific for children and adolescents.
  • Marital and premarital therapy
    Cherry Hill counselors can help you and your spouse deepen or restore your marital bonds before or after your wedding ceremony.
  • Health psychology
    Were you recently diagnosed with a health condition? Maybe one that you’re not sure how to handle? Or, do you find yourself ignoring your health and wellbeing due to other responsibilities in your day-to-day life? If so, then our health psychology programs might be able to help.
  • Evaluative services
    We offer evaluative services ranging from ADHD, depression, and behavior disorder screenings to alcohol and substance abuse evaluations.

Is there a Spanish speaking therapist in Deer Park on your staff?

Yes! Please know that Cherry Hill Counseling does have a Spanish speaking therapist at our Deer Park office.

Is therapy right for me?

How do you know whether or not therapy will work for you? It may be a good idea to speak with your doctor if you answer yes to one or more of the following questions.

  1. Do you experience an excessive amount of worry on a regular basis?

Many people experience anxiety or worry at different points in their lives. However, those who benefit most from therapy have little luck at controlling or alleviating these feelings and thoughts on their own. This is where therapy can be really beneficial. If you feel anxious or unsettled to an extent that it often disrupts or impacts your daily life, you may want to talk with your doctor about therapy.

  1. Do you often feel restless, on edge, or wound up? Is it difficult for you to get comfortable, sit still, or relax your body?
  1. Do you become easily fatigued or often find yourself lacking the energy needed to get through the day?

Do you have impaired memory and concentration? Are you often feeling drowsy or weak? Do you have a difficult time keeping up with daily activities? If you answer yes to these questions, or if you find yourself less excited to do the things that you used to enjoy, then you may benefit from therapy.

  1. Do your muscles feel as if they’ve been clenched for far too long?
  1. Do you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep?
  1. Do you often feel irritable, jumpy, or tense?

If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, you may benefit from therapy.

Then, what’s next?

If you experience one or more of these symptoms regularly, or if your symptoms are impacting your ability to complete daily tasks and activities, then it might be time to contact your doctor about therapy. Our counselors at Cherry Hill Counseling are trained to teach you effective ways to manage your symptoms. We have a Spanish speaking therapist in our Deer Park, Illinois office


  1. Anxiety Disorders. (March 2016). In National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved from
  2. Anxiety Disorders. In National Alliance on Mental Illness. Retrieved from