Family Therapist in Wheaton

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Family Therapist in Wheaton

Start Improving Your Family’s Communication and Relationships

If your family persistently struggles to effectively communicate or if you want to develop healthier relationships with your family members, the services of a family therapist in Wheaton can help you achieve these goals.

Family therapy can benefit any family that’s experiencing internal or external issues that are impacting their mental health, communication skills, and ability to set and adhere to reasonable boundaries.

If you feel like your family struggles to communicate calmly and effectively, especially when you’re in an emotionally charged situation, counseling sessions can help you develop the skills you need to permanently change your behaviors and responses.

At Cherry Hill Counseling, we have a team of therapists with experience handling a variety of ages, issues, and relationship dynamics to provide families with the support and guidance they need to heal their relationships and improve their mental well-being.

What is it? What You Need to Know About Family Counseling in Wheaton

Family counseling is often used to improve and resolve relationship issues between relatives, including parents and their children, siblings, or any family members who are finding it difficult to have healthy interactions with one another.

A family therapist in Wheaton may recommend family counseling sessions to supplement mental health treatment, including prescription medications or sessions with a behavior therapist. Strong, healthy familial relationships can enhance mental health and improve overall emotional wellbeing.

Therapy can assist with learning conflict resolution skills, building empathy, and learning how to set and maintain healthy boundaries.

Who is it for? Who Can Benefit from Wheaton Counseling

Wheaton counseling and family therapy is useful for a variety of circumstances. If members of your family struggle with communicating effectively, are experiencing significant changes in their lives, or are seeking to improve their mental health, counseling can help.

Some reasons that you might decide to see a family therapist in Wheaton include:

  • Your child is having persistent struggles in school
  • Your child is struggling with an eating disorder
  • Your child is exhibiting signs of substance abuse or addiction
  • Some type of trauma has impacted the whole family, like a natural disaster, move, or incarceration of a loved one
  • A family member has unexpectedly passed away
  • There’s been changes to your household, such as a remarriage, birth of a new sibling, or relative moving in
  • You and your partner are struggling to effectively co-parent or have divorced

Any situation that stirs up your family’s emotions or strains your relationships can benefit from counseling sessions. Visits with an experienced family therapist in Wheaton will ensure that your family has the skills they need to identify their emotions, manage their feelings, and respond appropriately.

What to Expect During Your Family Therapy Sessions

How your family therapy session will go depends on the specific issues that your family is dealing with.

We’ll usually begin the session by exploring the problems and challenges that your family is facing, giving each family member an opportunity to voice their concerns or talk about any ideas or problems they’re experiencing.

Next, we’ll brainstorm healthier ways that the family can interact with one another to change the atmosphere in your household and encourage a healthier family dynamic. We may identify patterns and behaviors that each family member should seek to avoid.

For example, assume that you’re seeking family therapy because you’re concerned about how your family handles conflict. We might discuss situations where conflict is common and determine if the conflict is avoidable or if it’s imminent. We will then explore ways for each family member to express their views respectfully to one another.

Before we end the session, each family member might set a goal for an individual behavior that they need to work on, and the family as a whole will have an objective they must  achieve as a unit. At your next session, we’ll discuss your progress towards your goals (both individually and as a family) and continue to delve into any issues or concerns.

How to Start Working with a Family Therapist in Wheaton, Il

Ready to find a family therapist in Wheaton who specializes in your family’s areas of concern or have questions about our therapy services? Contact Cherry Hill Counseling today by calling 847-438-4222 or check us out online to learn more about our services.