R.A.I.N. Space

A safe place for women, ages 18+, to become empowered through mindfulness-based meditation while also tending to our mental health and wellness.

Date: Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm in 4 week cycles - can attend continuously

Location: Cherry Hill Counseling - Deer Park, 21925 W Field Parkway, Suite 215, Deer Park, IL 60010 and via Zoom - hybrid group for accessibility

Cost: $60/session. Sliding scale available upon request.

Contact: Emily Salomon: emily@cherryhillcounseling.com or Emily Nikfar: enikfar@cherryhillcounseling.com,

Goal 1: Providing a safe space to process concerns, feelings, and beliefs while engaging in mindfulness-based meditative practices.


  • Normalizing difficult conversations and welcoming emotional expression
  • Identifying and processing concerns, feelings, and beliefs
  • Experiencing collective universality as group members realize they are not alone

Goal 2: Fostering mindful discussions surrounding life strains, relationship struggles, and mental health & wellness.


  • Processing women-specific challenges and channeling a sense of empowerment
  • Learning about mindfulness-based coping mechanisms and self-soothing techniques to various life stressors
  • Experiencing the instillation of hope through peer support