Parenting: The Journey of Ups, Downs, Twists, and Turns

Where does one begin to talk about the ups, downs, twists, and turns that come with parenting? Perhaps it starts from the day you find out you’re going to become…

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When Your Toddler Says “No”: Tips for Navigating the Challenging Toddler Years

Ah, the captivating stage of parenting where your toddler picks up the word "no" and uses it frequently. Navigating a toddler's constant self-assertion can often drain even the most patient…

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The Unspoken Loss of Adoption’s Happy Endings

Recently, I was asked to write a blog article for the Cherry Hill Counseling website. The topic? Adoption. Makes sense. That’s my area of expertise. The families and individuals touched…

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In Search of Home: Caring for Third Culture Kids

Can you remember the first time you flew? Perhaps it was with great excitement or maybe even some trepidation. But for some who grew up as third culture kids, the…

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